Hire Terms & Conditions
& Code of Conduct
Hire Terms and Conditions
For the purpose of these Terms and Conditions, ‘you’ and ‘the Hirer’ refers to the individual(s) or organisation entering into a hire agreement. Gosforth Residents Association (GRA) (‘we’) refers to any staff or representatives of GRA, the charity that runs the GRA Building.
These Terms and Conditions should be read alongside our Emergency Procedures information sheet and our Code of Conduct information sheet; both are located in the building on the notice board (request a copy if required).
Our booking policy
All bookings are to be made via our online booking system to confirm agreement of our terms and conditions. GRA reserves the right to refuse a booking without giving a reason for the refusal.
The booking system will ask for the key details of your bookings, including timings and anticipated guest numbers. Any changes to bookings must be done at least 14 days in advance of the date of your booking.
We reserve the right to cancel a booking:
If the booking is deemed to negatively affect the reputation of the GRA.
If we have reason to believe your event will not be organised in line with these Terms and Conditions, or will lead to a breach of licensing conditions or other legal or statutory requirements.
If we have any health and safety concerns which threaten the event guests, members of the public or the staff of GRA.
If the premises, has become unfit for hosting your event, such as if emergent building repairs need to take place urgently.
If GRA cancel a booking, the Hirer shall be entitled to a full refund but the GRA will not be liable for any resulting direct or indirect loss or damages. We accept no liability to provide or pay for alternative facilities elsewhere. We recommend the organisers of large events ensure they have event insurance to cover such losses.
We do not allow any extremist activities to take place in the building that may incite prejudices of any kind.
We do not allow events that present an unreasonable risk to the local community, our neighbours, our staff and users, or the fabric of the building itself.
Payment & Cancellation
Once a booking has been confirmed, you will be required to pay in full. In the event of you having to cancel or postpone your event more than 14 days in advance, a full refund will be given. Between 14 and 7 days in advance a refund of 50%, after which the payment is non-refundable.
For regular bookings (i.e. those which recur on a weekly basis, for four weeks or more), payment can be arranged on a monthly basis. You will be invoiced at the end of each month for the following month.
Please email gosforthresidence@outlook.com to set up this arrangement.
If you need to cancel a regular booking, 14 days’ notice is required. You will not be entitled to a refund but you can reschedule the booking for a future date. You can reschedule up to three regular bookings per year.
We reserve the right to review hire charges on a regular basis and to vary prices as necessary. Regular hirers will be informed of any price changes at least one month before any changes come into effect.
Licensing & regulations
By hiring the room in GRA, you agree to respect the maximum capacity for the room (70), as stated on the GRA booking form. If we have reason to believe the capacity of a room is being exceeded during an event, we reserve the right to ask guests to leave, or to stop the event.
Once your booking has been confirmed, you are advised to read our Emergency Procedures information sheet, which sets out fire evacuation procedures and other important safety information. The Hirer is responsible for familiarising themselves with this (it can be found on the notice board in the entrance) also to check the location of fire exits, fire extinguishers and alarm points.
The Hirer is responsible for ensuring fire exits and emergency escape routes remain clear and free from obstruction at all times. Under no circumstances should you remove, move or tamper with fire extinguishers, fire exit signs, and fire detection equipment. Fire extinguishers must only be used in the case of a fire to assist with the safe exit of the building.
We do not have a license to sell alcohol. Alcohol may be given away freely but it may not be given away with a donation. Any event involving the sale of alcohol being sold must have a Temporary Events Notice (TEN) and be pre-agreed with GRA.
Anyone selling alcohol under a TEN is expected to meet all of the conditions set out in the TEN. This includes ensuring that alcohol is not sold to anyone under 18 years, or to anyone who is considered to be drunk.
We operate a zero tolerance approach to drug use. Anyone found using or under the influence of illegal drugs or substances classified under the misuse of Drugs Act (1971) will be reported to the police and asked to leave the premises.
We hold a music licence which permits the playing of recorded music. Music can be played at a pre-agreed level to less than 70 people, providing all windows are closed.
We reserve the right to judge acceptable levels of noise and behaviour of guests. If any behaviour is deemed threatening or illegal, or if noise levels are excessive, you will be asked as the event organiser to take corrective action. If our requests for action are not met, we reserve the right to ask individuals to leave the premises or to stop an event. If this occurs, no refund or compensation will be owed.
Smoking is not permitted anywhere in the building. This includes e-cigarettes and vapes.
Guests wishing to smoke will need to do so outside. Please ensure all cigarettes are disposed of safely and not left as litter.
No portable electrical equipment should be connected to the premises fixed electrical supply unless it has undergone certified PAT testing for electrical safety. If you wish to use electrical equipment, you are responsible for ensuring it meets this requirement and evidence of PAT testing is copied to GRA.
It is not possible to erect a bouncy castle or other inflatables for health and safety reasons. The hall does not have room, and as the outside spaces is a public road, this would not be safe.
All accidents should be recorded in the building’s accident report book, which is kept in the kitchen. Please record all incidents, including near misses, as this helps us prevent future accidents.
Premises management
You will be responsible for any damages caused to the GRA Building during your event by any of your guests, contractors or suppliers. In these instances, you will be required to pay the full amount required to make good or remedy such damage.
Set up and removal times must be factored into room booking times.
If you do not vacate the hired space by the agreed time, over run charges will apply. These will be charged at our standard commercial rate, regardless of the organisational status of the Hirer.
The Hirer is responsible for keeping the premises in good order during use, and ensuring the space is left in a clean and tidy state afterwards. Cleaning charges may be incurred if the premises are not left in a suitable state.
All rubbish must be taken away at the end of the event, including any waste left outside by the hirer or guests. GRA commercial waste removal does not include rubbish generated by guests.
Please do not hang or stick anything to the walls or ceiling, as this will damage the paintwork over time.
Fair usage policy
Regular weekly bookings are limited to five hours of booking time per week. This is to ensure that as many local groups as possible can access our room. It may be possible to book additional hours, if availability allows, but these cannot be booked more than one month ahead. Please contact gosforthresidence@outlook.com to discuss.
GRA reserves the right to occasionally cancel regular bookings.
We are unable to offer storage facilities for groups or organisations, unless agreed by special arrangement.
Code of Conduct
Gosforth Residents Association (GRA) is dedicated to providing a harassment-free experience for everyone, regardless of gender, gender identity and expression, age, sexual orientation, disability, physical appearance, body size, race, ethnicity, religion (or lack thereof).
We do not tolerate harassment of hirers, or visitors to the hall or any event participants in any form.
Harassment includes offensive comments related to gender, gender identity and expression, age, sexual orientation, disability, physical appearance, body size, race, ethnicity, religion, technology choices, deliberate intimidation, stalking, harassing, or recording, sustained disruption of talks or other events, and unwelcome sexual attention.
Participants asked to stop any harassing behaviour are expected to comply immediately. People hiring the hall, as well as visitors, are also subject to the anti-harassment policy.
If someone engages in harassing behaviour, the chair, committee or trustees may take any action they deem appropriate, including warning the offender, or expulsion from visiting the premises, or in some instances reporting to the police.
If you are being harassed, notice that someone else is being harassed, or have any other concerns, please contact a member of the GRA committee immediately.
Our volunteers, chair and committee will be happy to help participants contact any relevant internal or external authority to assist those experiencing harassment to feel safe for the duration of their hall use.